Research in the ZAJ covers the life sciences, medical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, mathematics, and computer sciences.
The following research groups and scientists are part of the ZAJ:
Biological Sciences
Bioactive Plant Products Research Group/Preventive effects of secondary plant products (Professor Dr. Volker Böhm)
Molecular Genetics of Aging (Professor Dr. Christoph Englert)
Biochemistry (Professor Dr. Thorsten Heinzel)
Membrane Trafficking in Aging: Along the Protein Highway (PD Dr. Christoph Kaether)
Nutritional Physiology (Professor Dr. Anna Kipp)
Nutrigenomics (Professor Dr. Lars-Oliver Klotz)
Transcriptional Control of Tissue of Homeostasis (Dr. Björn von Eyss)
Stem Cell Biology of Aging (Dr. Julia von Maltzahn)
Immunology of Aging (Professor Dr. Claudia Waskow)
Inflammaging (Professor Dr. Oliver Werz)
Experimental Transplantation Surgery (Professor Dr. Uta Dahmen)
Institute of Immunology (Professor Dr. Diana Dudziak)
Section of Neurological Rehabilitation (Professor Dr. Farsin Hamzei)
Molecular Cytogenetics (PD Dr. Thomas Liehr)
Role of SIRT7 in FLT3 ITD mediated aging and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells (PD Dr. Jörg P. Müller)
Women's Hospital, Jena University Hospital (Professor Dr. Ingo Runnebaum)
Institute of Psychosocial Medicine and Psychotherapy (Professor Dr. Bernhard Strauß)
Clinic for Internal Medicine III, Research lab Nephrology (Professor Dr. Gunter Wolf)