Section of Neurological Rehabilitation
Individualized therapy takes into account available resources, disturbed networks and variables that influence the outcome.
Graphic: Farsin HamzeiResearch topic(s)
Investigation of brain plasticity in association with motor skill training
Neuroplasticity is an important ability of the brain to adapt to environmental demand, for example in association with motor skill training. We apply non-invasive brain stimulation methods like repetitive transcranial magnet stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation and peripheral magnetic stimulation to modulate brain function. Results from these investigations offer us the opportunity for a better understanding of interacting regions. Thus, we are able to draw some conclusion of functional organization of brain regions with functional MRI. With these knowledge we are able to implement individualized therapy approach in case of lesion of the central nervous system. Since the brain structure and following brain organization changes over the age span, we also involve older subjects in our investigation strategies.
- Repetitive transcranial Magnetstimulation (rTMS)
- Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
- Repetitive periphereal Magnetstimulation (rPMS)
- Functional Magnet Resonanz Tomography (fMRT)
Selected publications
Seidel G, Gaser C, Götz T, Günther A, Hamzei F. (2020) Accelerated brain ageing in sepsis survivors with cognitive long-term impairment.External link Eur J Neurosci, 52(10):4395-4402
Hamzei F, Erath G, Kücking U, Weiller C, Rijntjes M. (2020) Anatomy of brain lesions after stroke predicts effectiveness of mirror therapy.External link Eur J Neurosci, 52(6):3628-3641
Bähr F, Ritter A, Seidel G, Puta C, Gabriel HHW, Hamzei F. (2018) Boosting the motor outcome of the untrained hand by action observation: Mirror visual feedback, video therapy, or both combined—What Is more effective?External link Neural Plast, 2018:8369262
Hamzei F, Vry MS, Saur D, Glauche V, Hoeren M, Mader I, Weiller C, Rijntjes M. (2016) The dual-loop model and the human mirror neuron system: an exploratory combined fMRI and DTI study of the inferior frontal gyrus.External link Cereb Cortex, 26(5):2215-2224
Läppchen CH, Ringer T, Blessin J, Schulz K, Seidel G, Lange R, Hamzei F. (2015) Daily iTBS worsens hand motor training--a combined TMS, fMRI and mirror training study.External link Neuroimage, 107:257-265

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