Experimental Transplantation Surgery

Assessment of hepatic microcirculation in a fatty liver. A Probe on the liver in situ. B Visualization of microcirculation. C. Histological appearacne of heterogenously distributed fat-laden hepatocytes in a rat liver. D. Automated image analysis for quantifying hepatic steatosis.

Picture: Uta Dahmen

Research topic(s)

Our experimental work is primarily dedicated to the improvement of regeneration, perfusion and transplantation of healthy and pre-damaged livers. A special focus is on the influence of age. To reduce the number of animal experiments and to better understand the complex interactions, we use systems biology methods to create computer models in several DFG-funded research projects.

In addition, we are engaged in biological tissue engineering to generate organ and vascular grafts. Here we use the matrix of organs and vessels, which are decellularized in the first step in order to be repopulated with donor cells in the second step.

Furthermore, we deal with medical didactic topics, especially teaching surgical and microsurgical skills. We use the medium video for demonstrating, but also for self-correcting the performed exercises.


  • Surgery
  • Microsurgery
  • Organ perfusion
  • Tissue engineering
  • Histology
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Whole slide scanning
  • Protein chemistry
  • Molecular biology
  • Cell culture

Selected Publications

Hua C, Wei W, Zhang T, Xu F, Dirsch O, Homeyer A, Settmacher U, Dahmen U. (2021) Additional partial hepatectomy at the time of portal vein ligation accelerates the regeneration of the future liver remnant.External link Sci Rep, 11(1):11740

Xu F, Tautenhahn HM, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. (2021) Modulation of Autophagy: A Novel "Rejuvenation" Strategy for the Aging LiverExternal linkOxid Med Cell Longev, 6611126

Wei W, Hua C, Zhang T, Dirsch O, Gremse F, Homeyer A, Settmacher U, Dahmen U. (2020) Size of portally deprived liver lobe after portal vein ligation and additional partial hepatectomy: Result of balancing proliferation and apoptosisExternal link. Sci Rep, 10(1):4893

Xu F, Hua C, Tautenhahn HM, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. (2020) The Role of Autophagy for the Regeneration of the Aging Liver.External link Int J Mol Sci, 21(10):3606

Liu A, Guo E, Yang J, Yang Y, Liu S, Jiang X, Hu Q, Dirsch O, Dahmen U, Zhang C, Gewirtz DA, Fang H. (2018) Young plasma reverses age-dependent alterations in hepatic function through the restoration of autophagyExternal link. Aging Cell, 17(1); e12708


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Jena University Hospital
Uta Dahmen, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Experimental Transplantation Surgery
Uta Dahmen
Image: Michael Szabó, UKJ Jena
Drackendorfer Straße 1
07747 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link